Monday, October 03, 2011

Attention all women of Zion & friends of Zion

Can you give up two hours to socialize, eat and connect with other women?

Research says its good for the soul and moral to relax and enjoy life.

So why not spend a few hours doing what’s good for you? Our next upcoming retreat will be on:
November 12th at Zion from 9—11:00 a.m. Breakfast & holiday craft with Jane Schuessler. Cost is $5.00
Sign up sheet will be on the bulletin board.
So come join us for some fellowship and hear how we are planning to purchase new blinds for the fellowship hall and workings towards raising funds to purchase new carpet, too!
Questions, ask: Cindy King, Kris Beever, Lois Bender, Amy Ortiz, Maxine Kahler, or Sherri Theisen

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