Sunday, August 31, 2014

Women of Zion Sept 20th

Our next Retreat will be on Saturday, September 20 from 9—11:00 a.m.  

We will enjoy a healthy delicious breakfast and hear presentations from a nutritionist and Amy Ortiz about pampering yourself from the inside out. 

Cost is only $5.00. Please sign up in the Narthex. Questions?
Call Kris at 815-547-6978.

Faith Stepping Stones

 As part of our Faith Stepping Stones program, third graders will soon be receiving their first Bible. We have scheduled Sunday, September 21 for a class, during which time we will highlight important passages in their Bibles. Class time is at 9:30 a.m.
The Bibles will be given to the parents to place in the hand of their child at the 10:30 worship service on September 21. Be sure to invite your baptismal sponsors to this special occasion, too.

Social Ministry - Sponsor A Teacher

Thank you to everyone for all their help with projects this year. Please see the listing of school supplies still needed for “Sponsor-A-Teacher”.

We again will help with the quilt display and packing and delivering to Zion/Rockford. We would like to have volunteers to help pack the semi at Zion in Rockford.