Thursday, March 31, 2011

Louise Tyler’s 100th Birthday

Louise Tyler’s 100th Birthday

On Palm Sunday, April 17th, Louise will celebrate her 100th birthday. Please sign the special card in the narthex as a “Group Greeting” from her Zion family.

Sunday School teachers are encouraged to make a group card, also.

Easter Prayer Vigil

Easter Prayer Vigil

The Prayer Vigil is an opportunity for you to come to the sanctuary and be in conversation with God for one hour. The Vigil begins on Good Friday eve and lasts until the sunrise service on Easter morn. Time slots are filling in quickly. Sign up today!

Women of Zion

The Women of Zion are having a

“Women of Influence Tea.”
Has there been a woman in your life that has made a significant influence? Perhaps your mother, sister, wife, neighbor, or even a teacher who has left a lasting impression. What better way to show your appreciation than to place an ad or purchase a ticket for an afternoon tea?

When: Sunday May 1st Time 1:00-3:00 Hats and gloves are encouraged!
Special guest speaker is Pastor Tina Koenig Ray
Cost is $15.00 for a wonderful tea including open faced sandwiches, fresh fruit, dessert, drinks and fellowship. The cost will also allow you to put one ad in our “Women of Influence” book; each additional add is $5.00.
Men/Women, if you can’t attend, you can place an ad or two ($5.00 each) or purchase a ticket for that special women.
Tickets and ads will be on sale in the office and between Sunday services. This is a fundraiser to purchase new vertical blinds for fellowship hall! Donations are also gladly accepted .

Holy Week begins on Palm Sunday April 17

Holy Week begins on

Palm Sunday on April 17

Maundy Thursday—April 21

5:30 p.m. Seder Meal
A reenactment of the Last Supper

7:00 p.m. Worship with Holy Communion

Good Friday—April 22

10:00 a.m. Children’s Service

On Friday, April 22, our high school youth and confirmands will reenact our Lord’s last days on earth. All kids from pre-K thru 6th grades are invited to this service in the fellowship hall. Following the 10:00 program, a mini breakfast will be served. Parents of the children are also invited.

7:00 p.m. A Service of Light and Darkness

Easter Sunday—April 24

Celebrate the resurrection of our Lord!
Worship times are at 6:30, 8:00 and 10:45 a.m.

Easter Breakfast will be served from 7:00—10:30 a.m.

An Easter Garden in Boom

An Easter Garden in Bloom

You are invited to place flowers in the chancel of the church on Easter Sunday. You will have the choice of a variety of flowers, which you will be able to take home and plant in your garden for years of enjoyment. Please mark the flower of your choice.

Due to flowering bulb plants,

All orders are due by Noon on Monday, April 4.

Lily $ 9.00                                Begonia $12.50                   

Tulip $10.00                            Azalea $17.00

Daffodil $10.00                        Hyacinth $10.00

Mum $12.50

I wish to purchase _____ flowers.

In memory of __________________________________________

In honor of ____________________________________________

To the Glory of God _________

Donor ________________________________________________

I will pick up my plant following the last service on Easter _____

I will pick up my plant during the week after Easter _____

You may give the plant to a shut-in (only Lilies) _____

Please turn in this form with the amount owed to the church office, 
or in the offering plate in an envelope marked: EASTER GARDEN FLOWERS